My back has hurt since I became pregnant, I can’t sit or sleep. Will it go away?

Roughly half of all pregnant women will experience some sort of back pain during pregnancy.

This back pain is often due to the additional weight carried during the pregnancy. The additional weight is carried on the front of the body, putting extra strain on the back and resulting in back pain.

Doctors will recommend that while experiencing back pain, pregnant women should change their position frequently. Try to avoid standing for long periods of time. If you have to, shift your weight on your feet to find a comfortable position.

While sitting, many women have suggested that elevating your feet can help provide some back pain relief.

Sleep on your side. Don’t try sleeping on your back. That way, you can take that weight off your spine The back pain during pregnancy is often caused by carrying the extra weight, have your significant other massage your back frequently. Have your husband or significant other rub your back.

Most of all, remember that all the time that back pain results during pregnancy is going to be temporary and will be going away after the baby is born. If there has been any kind of diagnosis for a back problem prior to the pregnancy, then the pregnancy can exacerbate that back problem. In conjunction with the mothers’ primary care physician. Whoever diagnosed that back problem, needs to be included on all of the issues regarding the pregnancy.

We several safe products designed to ease back pain, particularly our tailbone cushion and orthopedic comfort seat. Contact us for information on what could help your back pain.